Items missing from my order?

Not received all the items? That is not our intention, and we apologize for the inconvenience! Continue reading for an explanation and the fastest solution.

Order Shipped in Multiple Packages
Large orders or orders with big or heavy items might be shipped in multiple packages, and you will receive multiple track-and-trace codes. It's possible that not all shipments arrive on the same day; please check the track-and-trace codes for more information.

Item(s) Unavailable Due to Stock Error
It's possible that certain items, due to an error in our stock, cannot be delivered. In such cases, we will inform you about this by email and refund the purchase amount of the respective items using the same payment method you used to place the order. You can expect a credit from our payment provider, Buckaroo, in your account.

Only One Package and No Email from Us Received?
Then something else has gone wrong. Please send us an email via with at least the following information so that we can assist you quickly and effectively:

  • The order number of your purchase.
  • The article number(s) or barcode number(s) of the missing items.

The article number(s) can potentially be found in the order confirmation email or by logging into your online account.

We will do our best to address your service request within two working days.

Categories: Service & Guarantee
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